Axonincs System

  • Patented Tined Lead Design

    Patented Tined Lead Design
  • Recharge-Free Patient Remote Control

    Recharge-Free Patient Remote Control
  • Charging System

    Charging System
  • Smart Clinician Programmer

    Smart Clinician Programmer

The Axonics R20® System sets new standards in sacral neuromodulation, offering an unparalleled experience for both patients and doctors. With its rechargeable battery that only needs charging every 6 to 10 months, it enables long-lasting therapy and frees patients from the burden of frequent implanted stimulator replacements.


The device is designed to last for more than 20 years and is miniaturized to just 5 cc in volume, making it highly convenient. Additionally, the pocket-sized patient remote control does not need recharging, further enhancing user convenience. The system also provides expanded MRI access and features dual program capability, allowing for two independent therapy programs that can be customized to the individual needs of each patient. This means that patients can benefit from personalized treatment that addresses their specific symptoms and concerns.


Axonics R20® Sacral Neuromodulation System includes:


- Rechargeable Stimulator

- Patented Tined Lead Design

- Recharge-Free Patient Remote Control

- Charging System

- Smart Clinician Programmer


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