The Insides System

  • Driver

  • Pump

  • Tube


The Insides® System is a specialized medical device designed for automated chyme reinfusion, enabling patients to manage the process themselves and significantly reducing labor compared to traditional manual methods. The system consists of three components: Driver, Pump, and Tube. The Driver magnetically connects to the Pump through the ostomy appliance, propelling chyme up the tube into the distal limb for nutrient and fluid reabsorption. Reinfusion takes 3-5 minutes depending on chyme viscosity and can be performed multiple times daily.


Chyme reinfusion therapy is essential for patients with severe intestinal failure due to high-output intestinal losses from a double-lumen enterostomy or fistula. This therapy allows patients to reinfuse nutrient-rich chyme back into their intestines, enabling oral feeding and reducing reliance on parenteral nutrition (PN).


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